In-depth perspectives and expert analysis for today’s laundry care leaders.

Issue No. 5

Exploring the Future of Laundry Detergent Formats

Some of the most exciting innovations in the laundry detergent industry today are happening in formats. These innovations are driven by consumer demand for more high-performing, sustainable, and convenient products, while also keeping pace with regulatory changes and advances in laundry appliances.

In this issue of Clean Insights, we’re taking a deep dive into formats. We’ll explore the surprising overnight success of unit doses in China and then examine the emerging trend of waterless formats, such as sheets and tiles. But first, let's take a step back and trace the journey of laundry detergent formats from the start.

The Evolution of Detergent Formats | China’s Swift Shift | The Debut of Game-changing Formats: Water-less Detergents | Importance of Partnership

Laundry Lens

The successful launch of unit doses in China shows the importance of understanding local consumer habits and preferences when unveiling new products. Detergent makers were recently reminded of this, following an unsuccessful attempt to introduce high-concentrated liquid formulas to the market. These were seen as offering less value with their smaller packaging size.

“The unit dose is successful because it offers clear consumer benefits: convenience with smaller packaging and multi-functionality,”

says Lynn Meng, Asia Pacific Business Segment Lead at IFF based in Shanghai.

A big part of the success story of unit doses in China is tied to the country's booming e-commerce market, where consumers make virtually all their household purchases online. Chinese detergent brands have relied heavily on influencers on social platforms such as Little Red Book and Douyin (Tik Tok) to introduce unit doses directly to consumers. This social sales approach has made the information more trustworthy, says Meng, as it comes from individuals sharing their experiences.

“For big brands outside of China, there might be learnings in how they can move more towards a sales pitch on these channels versus just a corporate branding pitch,”

says Annemarieke van Heeswijk, Strategic Marketing and Communications Lead at IFF.

Importance of partnership

At IFF, we’re continually innovating our enzymes for detergent formulas to be more stable and enhance cold-water washing. We work closely with our customers on developing powerful enzymes suitable for multiple formats to high-efficiency laundry detergents (HDLs) to unit doses.

Continuous Innovation

As detergent formats continue to evolve in response to consumer needs, technological advances and regulatory changes, detergent brands are faced with some key challenges. It's not just about meeting these evolving demands, but surpassing them by setting new standards for convenience, performance, and sustainability. This evolution calls continuous innovation, collaboration, and a strategic approach to shape the future of detergent formats.

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