For optimized extraction, improved efficiency and reduced costs.​

Our brewing enzyme complexes supplement natural enzymes to give consistent mashing, particularly when using unmalted barley or other adjuncts. Extraction is optimized, efficiency improved and costs reduced.​

Our brewing enzyme complexes supplement natural enzymes to give consistent mashing, particularly when using unmalted barley or other adjuncts. Extraction is optimized, efficiency improved and costs reduced.​

Key Benefits​
  • Consistent mashing​
  • Improved extract yields​
  • Higher adjunct inclusion​
  • Increased soluble protein and Free Amino Nitrogen content​
  • Reduced energy consumption​
A robust enzyme solution for diacetyl control.​

ALPHALASE® Advance 4000 is part of the IFF range of brewing enzymes.​

IFF offers a robust and sustainable brewing enzyme solution for diacetyl control: ALPHALASE® Advance 4000 – designed to provide a short consistent maturation period without compromising beer quality and flavor.​

ALPHALASE® Advance 4000 is applicable for a range of brewing protocols and process conditions. It has been successfully tested in malt brews at various gravities, fermentation temperatures, pH profiles and yeast strains. In addition the enzyme has a high degree of flexibility across a range of adjuncts and locally sourced raw materials.​






Consistent mashing, optimized extraction

Brewing and potable alcohol production

ALPHALASE® Advance 4000

Consistent maturation period without compromising beer quality and flavor

Brewing and potable alcohol production

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Contact IFF Cultures & Food Enzymes

Get in touch to learn how our enzymes and cultures for the food industry can improve freshness, ensure consistent quality and reduce costs.


Get in touch to learn how our enzymes and cultures for the food industry can improve freshness, ensure consistent quality and reduce costs.

More in Brewing enzymes


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Solutions designed for filtration enhancement through viscosity reduction securing speed and brewhouse yield.​

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Solutions designed for saccharification & attenuation control.​

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